There are many ways to talk about Unconditional Basic Income.
But all have a common ground: helping people escape poverty and guaranteeing their participation in society with dignity.
UBI is not new. Quite the opposite. The first references appeared in the 16th century, by Thomas Moore, in the book “Utopia”. It was not the idea of UBI as we think of it today, but the idea of an income to ensure the subsistence of each person, so that the poorer could have enough money to ensure them a better life. But throughout history many other names have presented this idea, such as Thomas Paine, Bertrand Russell, Milton Friedman and, more recently, André Gorz and Phillipe van Parijs, who speak of a “life of freedom for all”.
And you? Have you thought about your freedom?
Do you agree with this measure? Do you find it interesting?
In these pages you can know everything! Check the several associations and movements that talk about the subject in Portugal and the World and enter the debate! We’re counting on you.