Latest episodes of the documentary series “UBI: A path to Freedom” presented in Braga

Avatar | 08/03/2022

Braga, 25th February 2022- The University of Minho was the place chosen to close the presentation of the documentary series “UBI: A path to Freedom”.

The last episodes shown were:

  • UBI: How to finance it
  • UBI: Portugal, Europe and the World
  • UBI: The time is now

After the presentation of the episodes, the audience got involved in the debate with Roberto Merrill, President of the UBI Portugal Association and Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, Óscar Afonso, Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto and Rui Pereira, the coordinator of the pioneering UBI pilot project in Alcácer do Sal.

The debate was moderated by the MEP Francisco Guerreiro.


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