Mayor of Portalegre presents documentary RBI: A Path to Freedom

Avatar | 14/02/2022

Portalegre, 4th of February 2022- Three new episodes of the documentary series “RBI: A path to Freedom” were presented in Portalegre, at the Arts and Show Center (CAEP), on the 4th of February.

The presentation of the event was in charge of the Mayor of Portalegre, Fermelinda Carvalho.

Episodes that premiered at CAEP were RBI and Preventive Healthcare, RBI and Development of the Rural World and RBI and Regenerative Ecology and which guided the debate moderated by MEP Francisco Guerreiro, who had as guests Bárbara Leão, Biovilla, Alfredo Sendim, Herdade do Freixo do Meio and Hugo de Almeida, director of the documentary series.


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